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Welcome to CODE EXEPERINCE(CODEX). CODEX is a passion program in Quantum University, Roorkee it’s come under Technical Club. Here, CODEX team member's provide you the opportunities to work on live projects with various latest technologies/software’s. This club will help you to explore more about your ideas and creativity as well as it will take you from ideation to action.
You can enhance your skills with:
Coding and Development where you will learn with various technologies/ programming languages.
Designing and Optimization with various software's.
We also extended with Placement Oriented Training Programs (POTP).
if you are creative enough and an explorer, join CODEX Club.
Think creative, be innovative and explore more.
focused on
coding and designing languages
just like HTML, CSS, Javascript,
PHP, MySQL and also focused
on latest technologies like as GitHub,
react Native, Android, PHP Frameworks.
Also works on live project
Designing & Optimization section basically focused on Designing software's just like as CorelDraw, Photoshop, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator. and on addition on 3d, Learning UI and UX also basics of designing, color theories.
Inspiring Designers and Coders